Dana 12. prosinca 2019. djelatnici JU NP Kornati uz podršku ronilačkog centra Najada diving izvršili su monitoring presađenih izdanaka morske cvjetnice Posidonia oceanica. U listopadu je u uvali Kravljačica na otoku Kornatu, u svrhu pomoći obnove oštećene livade, presađeno ukupno 720 izdanaka morske cvjetnice. Uslijed višegodišnjeg sidrenja došlo je do devastacije ovog morskog staništa.

Monitoringom je utvrđeno da presađeni izdanci nisu oštećeni nakon jakog nevremena i olujnoj juga koje je zahvatilo područje NP Kornati krajem studenog što potvrđuju napravljene snimke stanja.
Presađivanje je dio projekta SASPAS Interreg Italy – Croatia (Safe Anchoring and Seagrass Protection in the Adriatic Sea) na kojem je JU NP Kornati partner. Opći cilj projekta je očuvanje i obnova morskih cvjetnica kroz postavljanje sigurnih sidrišta, obavljanja pilot-transplantacija morskih cvjetnica, obavljanje aktivnosti monitoringa i definiranje integriranog sustava upravljanja za morske cvjetnice u Jadranu.

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SASPAS - Monitoring of transplanted cutting of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica

On December 12, 2019, employees of Kornati NP, with the support of the diving centre Najada diving center, monitored the transplanted cuttings of the Posidonia oceanica seagrass. In October, a total of 720 cuttings were transplanted in Kravljacica Bay on the island of Kornat in order to assist the restoration of the damaged meadow. Many years of anchoring have caused the destruction of this marine habitat.

Monitoring revealed that the transplanted cuttings were not damaged after a storm and strong wind that hit the area of the Kornati National Park at the end of November, which is confirmed by the recorded footage.

The transplantation is part of the SASPAS (Safe Anchoring and Seagrass Protection in the Adriatic Sea) Interreg Italy - Croatia project, on which Kornati NP is a partner. The overall objective of the project is to improve seagrass preservation and restoration through laying safe anchorage innovative systems, performing pilot transplatations, carryin out monitorin activities and by defining an intergrated management system for seagrasses in Adriatic area.